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- 0 ifdl=0thenprint"[147][144] welcome to the grassroots jukebox..."
- 1 ifdl=0thendl=1:poke808,234:load"basic player",8,1
- 2 ifdl=1thendl=2:load"w.bluegrass",8,1
- 3 ifs%=3then550
- 4 ifs%=4then3040
- 8 poke53281,1:poke53280,7
- 9 ns=8
- 10 print"[147]"chr$(142)
- 20 print" "
- 30 print" loadstar presents [144] "
- 40 print" [144] "
- 50 print" "
- 60 print"[160]"
- 70 print"[160]"
- 80 print
- 90 print
- 100 print" "
- 110 print" grassroots jukebox [144] "
- 120 print" [144] "
- 130 print" written by james weiler [144] "
- 140 print" [144] "
- 150 print" "
- 160 print
- 170 print" "
- 180 print" copyright 1987 [144] "
- 190 print" [144] "
- 200 print" "
- 210 print
- 220 print" loadstar is not public domain"
- 230 print" please respect the author's rights"
- 240 print
- 245 forx=1tons:reada$(x),b$(x):next
- 250 print" press any key";
- 260 print"";
- 270 poke198,0:wait198,1:poke198,0
- 300 print"[147]"
- 310 print" "
- 320 print" grassroots jukebox [144] "
- 330 print" [144] "
- 340 print" written by james weiler [144] "
- 350 print" [144] "
- 360 print" "
- 370 print
- 380 print
- 390 printspc(5)"use cursor keys or joystick to"
- 392 printspc(11)"scroll highlight."
- 393 printspc(5)"[return] or firebutton selects."
- 394 printspc(11)"press 'q' to quit"
- 400 :
- 410 se=1
- 420 gosub1000
- 430 gosub2000
- 440 iffl=0then420
- 442 iffl=-1then10000
- 450 :
- 500 :
- 510 ifse=ns+1then3000
- 520 s%=3
- 530 ifs%=3thenloadb$(se),8,1
- 540 :
- 550 gosub4000
- 560 gosub5000
- 570 goto300
- 580 :
- 1000 :
- 1010 print""
- 1020 forx=1tons/2
- 1022 ifx=sethenprint"[159]";
- 1030 printa$(x)spc(24-len(a$(x)));"[146]";
- 1031 ifx+ns/2=sethenprint"[159]";
- 1032 printa$(x+ns/2)"[146]"
- 1040 nextx:print"":ifse=ns+1thenprint"[154]";
- 1050 :
- 1052 ag$="play all"+str$(ns)+" tunes."
- 1055 printspc(10)ag$"[146]"
- 1060 return
- 2000 :
- 2010 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(56320)=127then2010
- 2020 geta$:j=peek(56320)
- 2022 fl=0:pa=0
- 2030 ifa$=""orj=125thense=se+1
- 2032 ifa$="[145]"orj=126thense=se-1
- 2034 ifa$=""orj=119thense=se+(ns/2)
- 2036 ifa$="[157]"orj=123thense=se-(ns/2)
- 2040 ifa$=chr$(13)orj=111thenfl=1:goto2100
- 2050 ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenfl=-1:goto2100
- 2060 ifse<1thense=1
- 2065 ifse>ns+1thense=ns+1
- 2070 :
- 2100 return
- 3000 :
- 3010 se=1:pa=1
- 3020 gosub1000
- 3030 s%=4:loadb$(se),8,1
- 3040 gosub4000
- 3050 gosub5000:ifqu=2then3080
- 3060 se=se+1:ifse=ns+1then3080
- 3070 goto3020
- 3080 goto300
- 3090 :
- 4000 :
- 4010 print" [145]"
- 4020 ag$="now playing -- "+a$(se)
- 4030 printspc(20-len(ag$)/2)ag$
- 4040 ifpa=1thenprint" press [space] for next song"
- 4042 print" press [q] to return to menu"
- 4045 sys52222,40960
- 4050 return
- 5000 :
- 5010 ifpeek(198)=0andpeek(788)<>49then5010
- 5020 sys52225
- 5030 geta$:qu=1
- 5040 ifa$="q"ora$="[209]"thenqu=2
- 5050 return
- 10000 print"[147]"
- 10010 print" are you sure you want to quit [y/n]?"
- 10020 poke198,0:wait198,1:geta$
- 10030 ifa$="y"ora$="[217]"then60000
- 10040 ifa$="n"ora$="[206]"then300
- 10050 goto10020
- 10060 :
- 11000 :
- 11010 :
- 11020 data arkansas traveler,m.arkansas.trav
- 11030 data double eagle,m.double.eagle
- 11040 data rocky top,m.rocky.top
- 11050 data cripple creek,m.cripple.creek
- 11060 data old virginny,m.old.virginny
- 11070 data cumberland gap,m.cumberland.gap
- 11100 data liza jane,m.liza.jane
- 11110 data old dan tucker,m.old.dan.tucker
- 11999 :
- 60000 :
- 60010 poke808,237
- 60020 open15,8,15,"r0:hello connect=hello connect":input#15,er:close15
- 60030 ifer<>63thenprint"[147]":end
- 60040 load"hello connect",8